Shaklee US
Loyalty Rewards program members receive several perks, including reward points, a birthday gift, free products, and exclusive offers! Note that you have to be a Preferred Member, Distributor, or Business Leader to join.
Shaklee’s Loyalty Rewards program offers Preferred Members and Distributors benefits related to shipping.
Shipping and handling charges are added as points to be redeemed for distributors as part of the Loyalty Rewards program.
Email is the best way to get updates on deals and offers from Shaklee. Join the mailing list by entering your email address at the bottom of the homepage to have a Shaklee promo code, exclusive offers, news, and more sent straight to your inbox.
Shaklee coupons and promotions might have expiration dates. Be sure to check all the details so you don’t miss out on an offer! If you have trouble using a coupon, please contact the customer service team.
$8 flat rate shipping on all orders under $150, and free shipping on orders over $150. Note that there are certain exceptions to this policy. Please visit the Shaklee website for full details. You can also get products delivered for free if you have a valid free shipping Shaklee promo code.
You can return any product bought directly from the company under the Shaklee Guarantee. If you’re unhappy with an item, call the customer service team at 1-800-742-5533 to get assistance. Please read its return policy for details.
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