BistroMD ships at a flat-rate fee of $19.95. Orders can be shipped anywhere in the Continental U.S. BistroMD uses the FedEx ground shipping option. Arrival times can be up to six business days from the date of shipping. Your order cannot be expedited using other FedEx options. This is because orders are shipped using dry ice and the FAA regulates this type of shipment.Your weekly membership email will contain your tracking number for the current order. FedEx is unable to guarantee your order wil
It's important for you to contact BistroMD customer service right away if you discover something wrong with your order. BistroMD handles problems on a per-order basis. If you are a first week participant, you have until the upcoming Sunday night to cancel or hold the second week order. After the first order, all plan members pay for the upcoming week on Wednesday night. You can cancel your plan or place it on a vacation hold by calling customer service.
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