Some results of Betty's Attick Coupon Code only suit for specific products, so make sure all the items in your cart qualify before submitting your order.
There are usually 1 to 3 discount codes for one product. However, in each order, customers can only use one coupon code. Therefore, when using the coupon code, try to select the best code with the highest discount.
We do not ship merchandise outside the Contiguous U.S. with the exception of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and other U.S. Territories. We are Proud to Offer Delivery to all APO or FPO Addresses. To calculate delivery for non-contiguous shipments, use Standard Delivery charges, plus $6.50 per item (excluding doll stands). Orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all U.S. Territories may require additional delivery time.
We are confident the value and quality of our merchandise will meet, if not exceed your expectations. If you are not completely satisfied within 60 days of your purchase, we promise a full merchandise refund, credit or exchange (shipping & handling fees are not refundable).
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