Delivery time varies depending on the country/region and the location of the shipping store. The delivery schedule indicates how long it will take for the shipment to reach the listed country/region when it is shipped from the UK. The number of days depends on the size and content of the order and the place of departure and destination. Will contact you via email or text message and provide an estimated delivery date. All deliveries will be made between 9 am and 5 pm from Monday to Friday
Within 14 days of receiving the order, you must submit a return request and arrange a pickup through the Atterley website.
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Tory Burch is suitable for young women who want to indulge in fashion. They have a unique sports fas...
Reviews for Atterley
Atterley is a buyer's shop that gathers many popular fashion items. His family is basically following fashion week and various fashion forums. It's fast to get goods, and you can buy some good items at discount. Pick up and select!
Atterley is a fashion e-commerce company in the UK, which provides customers with various high street fashion brands. At the same time, it also has its own independent brand website. In addition to clothing, it also sells some fashionable jewelry at reasonable prices.